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By Peter Dewar

‘To infinity and beyond!’ You can say that again. I’m chatting with Amal Abou-Eid, young Newport mum and author of a new children’s book about Islam. Her baby son’s close-by, playing with a Toy Story action figure. And his tiny fingers have hit Buzz Lightyear’s sound button as it’s abundantly clear — there’s much more to Amal’s faith than I ever imagined.

My Muslim Mate helps children discover a little more about their Islamic classmates and strives to have the lives of Muslim families better understood. Going by the interest shown in Amal’s book, this short, charming read has something for grown-ups as well as school kids.

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My Place: Amal Abou-Eid


Newport’s Amal Abou-Eid is the author of My Muslim Mate, a book promoting harmony. She speaks with Goya Dmytryshchak.

Tell me about My Muslim Mate ?

When my son was four years old, he was in kindergarten and I was doing a diploma in early childhood education … I read a little bit about the philosophies of belonging, becoming and being. It was about putting out a resource that would allow children like my son to feel that they belong and to feel that they were proud and confident with who they were and what they were learning at home.

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AUDIO Interviews

Motherhood Melbourne: Mamas on a mission

Season 2 | Episode 6 with Holly Brunnbauer

Helping families to understand and celebrate Muslim culture and Islamic faith

I’m delighted to introduce you to Amal Abou-Eid. Author of My Muslim Mate – a children’s book that helps kids  see that through talking and learning about each other’s cultures, friendships can flourish and lives can work together harmoniously.

Amal is a community leader that decided to take her love for teaching and learning and step up to help Muslim kids feel safe, understood and celebrated. This is the first of what I can imagine will be many more resources that allow Muslim children to feel proud of their culture and see it represented in literature in a positive way. 

Listen to the podcast below or click here to read more.

3AW Melbourne Afternoons

Denis Walter

The terrorist attack that took place in a mosque in New Zealand, left people feeling shocked and disturbed. Amal was invited by 3AW to talk about the implications of such events and provided listeners with some insight into how to address these worldwide issues with children and teenagers.


Listen to the interview with Denis and Amal below.